FleetPartners is a leading provider of vehicle leasing, fleet management, heavy commercial vehicles, Salary Packaging and Novated Leasing. The organisation focuses on delivering exceptional customer experiences and have recently made significant changes to transform and further improve their Customer Experience (CX) approach.
In this case study, FleetPartners Head of Customer Experience, Mr Joe Mittiga, and Customer Experience Manager, Mr Adam Dalzell, discuss the initiatives that have led to the recent success.
A Continuous Improvement Mindset to CX
Real time information is a key contributor to the recent ‘wins’ in CX delivery at FleetPartners.
These data sources, generated by Net Promoter Score (NPS) reporting and data analysis, have delivered insights which have facilitated the restructure in the FleetPartners Customer Experience (CX) framework in several ways including:
- The development of a CX Forum
- A commitment to closing the loop with customers within 72 hours
- The deployment of customer champions across each division of the organisation to manage customer feedback
- Operational process changes to streamline and optimise enquiry routing
The CX Forum: Delivering Executive Focus and CX Governance
NPS data suggested that a greater focus was required in order to channel resources and prioritise initiatives across this growing and rapidly transforming business.
In response, FleetPartners formed a CX forum. When commenting on this forum, Mr Mittiga said that he strongly believes that:
The CX Forum provides a critical CX focus within the business and through executive sponsorship, it has been instrumental in prioritising customer experience while ensuring the necessary resources are allocated to the program, enabling ongoing success.
Joe mittiga
FleetPartners Head of Customer Experience
The importance the organisation places on CX is reflected in the forum’s representatives, consisting of its most senior executives – Chief Executive, Chief customer officer, Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer – as well as leaders of key functions across the organisation.
Leaders of customer-facing teams and those with a stake in a key customer process who are also in a position to make decisions on behalf of a process or team, form part of the CX forum.
Data and insights behind the action
Each month the CX team presents the Voice-of-Customer (VOC) report to the CX forum which includes:
- NPS scores
- Actionable insights
- Multiple other indicators of progress
- Complaints
- The status of action items from past meetings
- CX drivers and their impact on NPS
- Strengths and opportunities for improvement
- Root cause analysis data
- Closing-the-loop performance against KPIs
The richness of this information provides the CX forum an integrated picture of the current and trending experience of customers, thereby aiding forum members to make informed, data-driven decisions which lead to further improvements.
The forum also provides governance around customer experience strategy, ensuring that customer feedback is heard, actions are taken, and continuous improvement is prioritised, allowing them to act for maximum CX impact.
Employing a ‘Close-the-Loop’ approach to CX
FleetPartners has also implemented a ‘close-the-loop’ process meaning that, where an NPS score ranging from zero to six is received, the provider of that score is contacted by a FleetPartners customer champion within 72 hours.
According to Mr Dalzell:
The close-the-loop process has been well-received by customers and led to invaluable and positive feedback. Customers really appreciate the opportunity to provide more detailed feedback and, are grateful for our proactive response and resolution to their concerns
Adam Dalzell
FleetPartners Customer Experience Manager
Driving Operational Efficiency Improvements
Analysis has also identified that responsiveness is a key customer experience driver, with opportunities for further improvement.
Armed with this information, Mr Mittiga said,
As the saying goes, we worked smarter not harder. We didn’t ask team members to work longer hours or increase team member head count to improve responsiveness. Instead, we sought to resolve the underlying causes of phone queue imbalances and less than optimal IVR routing
All customer facing teams now have access to all queues on the phone system. Additionally, in line with FleetPartners company values, the IVR experience has been ‘re-imagined’ – channelling inbound enquiries to the team most equipped to handle the enquiry, minimising internal transfers.
This change simultaneously improved the experience for customers and eliminated many of the 1,500 calls per month that were being incorrectly routed.
Employee Engagement scoring a 10!
While the initiatives set out to improve the experience for customers, a very positive side effect was, an increase in FleetPartners team member engagement.
Team members are now witnessing how NPS insights are driving positive change while also giving them the tools and opportunities to deliver a better service outcome to customers. What’s more, team members have reported a greater sense of fulfilment, as they’re now empowered to make a more direct impact on customer satisfaction.
CustomerGauge Enabling Success
Underpinning key decisions around the implementation of the new FleetPartners Customer Experience Framework was CustomerGauge.
FleetPartners use CustomerGauge as a key source of customer feedback and a platform to collate data into a single source of truth.
CustomerGauge collects the information, qualifies it, and allows FleetPartners to delve further, undertaking root cause analysis and understand why customers provide one score or another. Importantly, this information can then be harnessed to drive positive change.
The value comes from not just looking at the NPS scores, but by being able to review, analyse and filter NPS by a range of important organisational segments and functions, to better understand what improvements are required at a more granular team or process level.
Easy to use
Ease of use is another key benefit of CustomerGauge. When commenting on CustomerGauge usability, Mr Dalzell said:
It is a really easy platform to use, and really easy to explain to somebody who’s not familiar with the process or with the system.
Adam Dalzell
The democratisation of NPS data allows team members from across the organisation to use and act on customer feedback. It is not limited to a few data specialists.
FleetPartners is an excellent example of an organisation harnessing the power of a customer-centric approach. Their recent results and CX ecosystem consisting of a comprehensive CX program, robust NPS framework, customer champions, executive-level commitment, and sophisticated CustomerGauge tool, demonstrate how an organisation can transform the customer experience, increase customer satisfaction and deliver organisational success.
Moreover, the success of the FleetPartners program emphasises the positive impact CX initiatives can have on team member engagement.
This case study underlines how the effective use of CustomerGauge as part of a organisations’ CX ecosystem can provide actionable insights that enable a company to address customer needs swiftly and accurately.
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