UK based digital and innovation agency Volume proves there are no right or wrong industries for using the Net Promoter approach. In fact with a score of +60 the organisation is out in front of many of its’ peers: Amazon’s score is 76 and Apple’s is 71.
Here is a company doing things differently. Being a small agency with big success in a tough industry wasn’t enough for them. They decided to implement Net Promoter to actively seek out flaws and correct them.
More than most other industries in the agency industry, a strong trusting relationship between the agency and client is vital for success. Companies need to ensure their personnel are continually striving to meet the needs of their clients. The more satisfied the clients are, the stronger the relationship that exists, increasing customer loyalty and business revenue.
Knowing this, Volume decided to use Net Promoter, a proven metric to benchmark performance, increase customer loyalty and drive up business revenue. According to CustomerGauge, Volume is one of the few agencies implementing Net Promoter within their business; gathering data and feedback to improve their business and strengthen relationships.
Using Net Promoter Volume is increasing value to their business by scrutinising all areas of the business. With the right NPS tools, Volume receive a range of services including real-time feedback to identify which areas to focus on and see areas of the business which need improvements and become more accountable.
While the process of implementing Net Promoter may be tough, the benefits of implementing such a program reap many benefits.
Volume received a Net Promoter Score of +60, which in the creative agency industry is a very high score. This is a great example of a business which although small and may not initially have seemed to fit in the “ideal Net Promoter candidate” have been to effectively leverage all benefits from implementing the Net Promoter.
Have you heard of any other Net Promoter success stories? Let us know your thoughts below.
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