How to Set Net Promoter Score® Targets For Your Staff and Company
In this post I provide a practical approach to setting Net Promoter targets for your organisation and staff.
Having an action plan for the implementation of your NPS program is critical to its success. There are several important factors that require forethought.
In this post I provide a practical approach to setting Net Promoter targets for your organisation and staff.
Get the complete guide to designing a successful Net Promoter Score Survey that will help you build a best practice survey the first time.
7 steps successful organisations use to ensure their NPS program drives incremental revenue and profit for the business.
Sometimes I chat to people who have tried Net Promoter but found it didn’t deliver the business value they were hoping for, so they ditched the
Why is a very powerful word. One of the most popular Ted talks of all time, over 19 million views, asks you to start not
When rolling out a transactional customer feedback process such as Net Promoter you need a corporate governance process that will deliver success. Best practice experience suggest two
Another of the great conversations at the recent CustomerGauge User Group meeting was around driving employee engagement. There were some very good ideas and best
More people nominate “Getting management buy in” as their biggest problem than any other element of the customer feedback process. Even if the CEO/COO “gets it”
“If you don’t give us a 9 or 10 on the survey you receive it will mean we have failed”. On the surface it was
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