Net Promoter Score Benchmarks: Don’t Waste Your Time On External Data
It comes in many flavours but easily the most common Net Promoter Score question I get asked is: How good is my Net Promoter Score?
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Are external benchmarks a useful comparison for NPS? Or is it comparing apples to oranges. We examine how best to benchmark Net Promoter Score data.
It comes in many flavours but easily the most common Net Promoter Score question I get asked is: How good is my Net Promoter Score?
NPS Case studies and demonstrated links to business value (revenue, profit, cost, customer retention) for a wide of businesses including B2B and B2C.
Real world data from companies that show how much and how quickly they were able to improve their Net Promoter Score
Sudoko has it’s roots in 19th century French newspapers (yes really) and only became mainstream from 2004 when it started appearing, seemingly, everywhere. Actually, I’m
Am I tall enough? Am I smart enough? Am I good enough? It’s human nature to be concerned with how you measure up to others.
Anyone that has been reading this blog for more than a couple of weeks knows that the subject of Net Promoter benchmarking gets me fired
It’s almost as primal as the urge to survive. It’s the urge to compare your performance to others and corporate Net Promoter Scores® are not
In 2010 Satmetrix release some European Net Promoter Scores and I thought it would be interesting to review them versus Australian data of the same
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